Your Wellness Perspective provides virtual therapy options with evening and weekend availability to clients in Alabama & Tennessee. Choosing a therapist that is right for YOU is important. We welcome 15-minute consultations, free of charge to give you an opportunity to connect with us and ask the questions that are important as you embark on your therapy journey.
your wellness journey starts here

DON'T pour from an "empty cup?"
How often do you find yourself running on fumes? You give...and give...and give until you can't anymore. After a while, the load gets heavy. We can't always control what we carry but we most certainly can control HOW we carry it.
You deserve to be your best self...
How are you showing up for yourself? How are you showing up for those closest to you? You deserve to operate in the fullness of your best self! Let's talk about how to get there.
You deserve to prioritize your needs...
When you think about your priorities, where along that list do you fall? Your family needs you, your jobs needs you (you need your job), friends, church and the list goes on. Do you always consider the needs of others first? How do you feel? How do you want to feel? Let's talk about it!
What would you do if you felt better?
How have feelings of fatigue, depression, anxiety, or lack of confidence impacted your ability to do what makes your heart smile? Do you know what makes your heart smile? What are you missing out on because you just don't feel like you have the confidence, energy, or motivation to do it?
You don't have to wait
Wellness is for everyone! We don't need to wait until something is wrong to check -in with ourselves. Let's consider the benefit of not waiting until we've gotten "fed up" or paralyzed by our feelings before we reach out for help. It's never too late but it most certainly is never too early.
wellness with you in mind
Same-day responses for referrals & information requests
Alabama & Tennessee licensed/credentialed provider
We accept Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Tricare*, United Healthcare, WebTPA*
Employee Assistance Program Provider (EAP)
Income-based Self-Pay options are available

Everyone deserves access to quality and convenient mental health & wellness care. We work for and with you using strengths-based approaches.